
Oh dear, I have been very lax indeed. Nearly a year since my last post, but, I suppose anything is better than nothing, so we'll see how it goes and I'll try again. I heard this poem on the radio this afternoon as I was driving home - I looked it up on the net so I would be able to re-post, but it struck me that hearing the poem being read evokes much greater emotion and feeling than reading it from a screen. Maybe you could read this aloud to someone, give them a little twist of thought that they would not otherwise have in their day.

O why do you walk through the field in gloves,
Missing so much and so much?
O fat white woman whom nobody loves?
Why do you walk through the field in gloves
When the grass is as soft as the breast of doves?
And shivering sweet to the touch
O why do you walk through the field in gloves,
Missing so much and so much?

It would be rude of me not to credit the author, so here's a link in case you would like a little more information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frances_Cornford


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